Pipe Organ by William Hill & Sons (1869)

St Martin’s Church, Salisbury


Bourdon 16 (1875)

Open Diapason 8 (1869)

Stopped Diapason 8 (1869)

Dulciana 8 (1869)

Principal 4 (1869)

Wald Flute 4 (1869)

Twelfth 2⅔ (1869)

Fifteenth 2 (1869)

Mixture III (1869)

Trumpet (1875)


Bourdon 16 (1875)

Open Diapason 8 (1869)

Stopped Diapason 8 (1869)

Salicional 8 (1897)

Voix Celeste 8 (1897)

Principal 4 (1869)

Flautina 2 (1897)

Oboe 8 (1869)

Cornopean 8 (1897)


Open Diapason 16 (1869)

Bourdon 16 (1875)

Principal 8 (2002)

Flute 8 (2002)

Trombone 16 (2002)

The Great and Swell have mechanical action with electric action to the Pedal.

There are three combination pedals to the Great and three to the Swell.